Days to Tax Day 2023

Expanding Benefits for Veterans and Extending Government Funding Until Jan. 19, 2024

A bill to amend Title 38, United States Code, to extend and modify certain authorities and requirements relating to the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. (S 2795) – This bill was introduced on Sept. 13 by Sen. Don Tester (D-MT). This act extends various Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs and benefits, […]

Raising the Debt Ceiling, Protecting Air Travel and Repealing the Iraq AUMF

Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (HR 3746) – This Act represents a compromise reached by House Republicans and President Biden. Republicans negotiated concessions in exchange for voting to raise the debt ceiling to maintain solvency of the federal government. These concessions included universal cuts to federal spending, the suspension of student loan repayments that began […]

Shoring Up Services for Veterans, Energy Production and Cybersecurity Risks

Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on March 13, 2020 (HJ Res 7) – On March 13, 2020, then-President Trump declared a national emergency relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, emergency status has continued until the passage of this resolution. The national emergency status relaxed many healthcare rules, such as training […]