We don't just take care of Numbers...
We take care of People.
Our Services
From Accounts Receivable to Accounts Payable and from Payroll to Taxes, we've got you covered.

Tax Law and Life-Events. One of these, if not both, affected your taxes for 2024.

You are trying to run a business, not learn how to achieve double-entry, balanced ledgers. Leave the bookkeeping to us.

Keep the Department of Revenue, the IRS, and your employees happy with our complete, accurate, and on-time payroll services.
Let Us Start Taking Care of Your Numbers At Your Convenience.
Discover if Flynn Accounting's services are the right fit for your accounting needs in a FREE consultation meeting. Use the online booking system to schedule an up to two hour, potential new client meeting with the Pikes Peak Region's most dedicated accounting professionals.
The FREE consultation meeting offer is limited to one meeting of up to two hours in duration with a team member chosen by Flynn Accounting. Potential New Clients Only.